Highly SEO optimized blog post
for 8$ - Delivered in 5 minutes

Enter your main keyword, and Redac Chief scans the top 5 results ranked for the query, and generates an article of +1500 words with an FAQ that really ranks on Google

We support all languages

Enter the main keywords. get content optimized for secondary keywords

Redac-Chief has been developed by a SEO experts to scale the SEO of their clients with high quality generated content. Now you can access our internal tool that helped us to rank our clients on SERP!

Screenshot of the related keyword of the article generated
A curved green arrow to describe scaling
Scale Fast

Generate a fully optimized article for the desired keyword in 5 minutes.

Green vignette
Full SEO optimization

Choose the main keyword, Redac chief will automatically stuff the article with the related keywords

a green gear

Once the article is generated, copy/past the content into your CMS and wait for the ranking!

1 credit = 1 article
1 credit

Generate 1 article with Redac Chief AI

Get Started
1 article fully SEO optimized
Article optimized with the related terms
Each article comes with 1500 words (minimum) and a FAQ
10 credits

Generate 10 article with Redac Chief AI

Get Started
10 articles fully SEO optimized
Article optimized with the related terms
Each article comes with 1500 words (minimum) and a FAQ
50 credits

Generate 50 article with Redac Chief AI

Get Started
50 articles fully SEO optimized
Article optimized with the related terms
Each article comes with 1500 words (minimum) and a FAQ